Saturday, January 24, 2015

This is just the beginning..

Sometimes life can seem like it's nothing but an uphill battle. I have experienced it, and in many ways, I  continue to. While we can't change what our journey may bring, we can change the way we view it.  I remember when I saw this hill during my race in San Francisco and put my head down thinking how hard it would be to overcome at such an already tough point at my race. But you know what happened? I worked hard, pushed negative speak out of my head and made it to the top.

The purpose of my blog will be fluffy and light hearted at times, but challenging and honest at others.  If there's one thing my friends will always say about me it's that I am a straight shooter. I don't make excuses and I don't pretend. If I'm mad, you know it, if I'm happy, you know it…if I'm struggling, I share it - all in the hopes that I can help someone along the way.  If you can take some advice and it makes your own struggle easier, I'm happy, or if you just need to know someone else has been in your shoes and you are not alone - I'm happy to be there to give that to you. I hope you'll follow me on my journey through this crazy thing we are all trying to find our way through, because your